Typical tasks for a React-developer
Typical developer tasks consist of writing React-components. These components are then used to build the pages of the site.
React frameworks are data-driven programming, so it is important to know the type of data that comes into the components. Since JavaScript doesn’t allow data types to be described explicitly, React developers typically use TypeScript in their projects.
React is only responsible for displaying the interface. Therefore, there is a whole ecosystem of tools around it that solve the rest of the frontend development tasks:
State management – libraries for dealing with global application data that doesn’t relate to a specific component, but is needed in many parts of the site. Popular state management tools include Redux and Mobx.
Routing. SPA implies a transition between pages of the site without additional requests to the server. Therefore, the task of routing, matching pages to certain URLs, are also engaged in frontenders. There are a number of popular libraries for such tasks, in particular, React Router.
Server rendering. One of the problems with SPA is that many search engines expect HTML, not JavaScript. Therefore, it is important to give searchers a ready-made HTML markup, rather than an empty HTML file on which JavaScript “draws” the interface. The Next.js framework was designed to generate it from components.
Creating UI elements. Typical UI elements are not usually written from scratch – for them they use ready-made UI libraries: MUI, Ant Design and many others.
Styling. For styling, React often uses the CSS-in-JS approach rather than the usual CSS. It allows you to describe styles directly in JavaScript. One of the most popular implementations of the CSS-in-JS approach is the styled-components library.
This is not a complete list of tasks and tools with which the React-developer works in everyday life.
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