Calinski-Harabasz Index: Validity of Clusters

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The Calinski-Harabasz Index, which is becoming an increasingly essential tool in the arsenal of data analysts, proves to be an invaluable assistant for those looking to expand their understanding of K-Means clustering and improve the quality of clustering results. 

With its unique approach to evaluating clustering effectiveness, striking a delicate balance between inter-cluster dispersion and intra-cluster cohesion, this index provides invaluable insights for making data-driven decisions.

In this comprehensive study, we embark on a deep journey into the realm of the Calinski-Harabasz Index (CH) and its practical application in the context of K-means clustering in Python.

What Is the Calinski-Harabasz Index?

The Calinski-Harabasz Index (CH), also known as the variance ratio criterion, is a metric for assessing clustering quality. It quantifies the quality of clusters created by algorithms like K-Means by measuring the ratio of inter-cluster dispersion to intra-cluster dispersion.

In simpler terms, it evaluates how well clusters are separated from each other and how compact the data points are within each cluster. Higher CH values indicate better clustering.

A Comprehensive Examination of the Calinski-Harabasz Metric

A thorough exploration of the Calinski-Harabasz Metric reveals its importance for scrutinizing the quality of K-Means clustering models in Python, especially when employing the sklearn toolkit. This guide will illuminate the necessary steps for effectively employing this metric to gauge clustering efficiency.

Step 1: Calculating Dispersion Between Clusters

Our exploration into the intricacies of the Calinski-Harabasz metric kicks off with an analysis of the dispersion that exists between different clusters, commonly referred to as the Between-Cluster Sum of Squares (BCSS). This particular measurement aims to numerically gauge the collective square of the distances between each cluster’s centroid and the central data point of the entire data set, also known as the grand centroid.

In mathematical terms, the computation of the Between-Cluster Sum of Squares (BCSS) is represented as:



  • nk: Number of observations in cluster k;
  • Ck: Centroid of cluster k;
  • Cg: Centroid of the entire dataset (centroid);
  • K: Total number of clusters.

Step 2: Computing Intra-Cluster Dispersion

As we proceed, the attention shifts to evaluating the dispersion within each individual cluster. This is commonly denoted as the Within-Cluster Sum of Squares (WCSS). This dispersion measure aims to capture the cumulative square of distances between each data point and the geometric median of its respective cluster.

For each individual cluster k, the Within-Cluster Sum of Squares (WCSS) is computed as:



  • nk: Number of observations in cluster k;
  • Xik: i-th observation in cluster k;
  • Ck: Centroid of cluster k.

To deduce the cumulative Within-Cluster Sum of Squares (WCSS), one sums up the individual WCSS for all clusters:

WGSS = Σ (k=1 to K) WGSSk


  • WGSSk: Within-group sum of squares for cluster k.
  • K: Total number of clusters.

Step 3: Calculating the Calinski-Harabasz Index

To derive the Calinski-Harabasz Metric itself, one integrates the inter-cluster and intra-cluster components using this mathematical expression:

CH = (BGSS / (K – 1)) / (WGSS / (N – K))


  • BGSS: Between-group sum of squares (inter-cluster dispersion);
  • WGSS: Within-group sum of squares (intra-cluster dispersion);
  • N: Total number of observations;
  • K: Total number of clusters.

In terms of interpreting the Calinski-Harabasz metric, a simple rule applies: elevated CH scores are indicative of enhanced cluster quality.

Practical Example: Applying the Calinski-Harabasz Index in Python

Now, let’s apply the theory in practice by using the Calinski-Harabasz Index to evaluate the K-Means clustering algorithm in Python. First, make sure you have the required libraries installed by running the following commands:

pip install sklearn
pip install matplotlib

Next, let’s consider an example using the Iris dataset. Specifically, we’ll focus on the “sepal width” and “sepal length” features. To do this, follow these steps:

# Import required dependencies
from sklearn.datasets import load_iris
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
from sklearn.metrics import calinski_harabasz_score
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Load the Iris dataset
iris = load_iris()
X =[:, :2]  # Extract sepal width and sepal length features

(Note: The code example is truncated here. It continues with the implementation of the K-Means clustering and CH index calculation.)

Performing K-Means Clustering with 3 Clusters

We conducted K-Means clustering with 3 clusters using the following code:

kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=3, random_state=30)
labels = kmeans.fit_predict(X)

Calculating the Calinski-Harabasz Index

Next, we calculated the Calinski-Harabasz index (CH) to assess the quality of our clustering:

ch_index = calinski_harabasz_score(X, labels)

The obtained CH score should be approximately 185.33 for our 3-cluster example.

Visualizing the Clusters

To gain insights into the clusters, we visualized the results as follows:

unique_labels = list(set(labels))
colors = ['red', 'orange', 'grey']

for i in unique_labels:
    filtered_label = X[labels == i]
    plt.scatter(filtered_label[:, 0], filtered_label[:, 1], color=colors[i], edgecolor='k')

plt.xlabel('Sepal length')
plt.ylabel('Sepal width')

In this example, we visualized the clusters based on “Sepal length” and “Sepal width.”

For further exploration of clustering effectiveness, we calculated the CH index for various numbers of clusters and visualized the results:

results = {}

for i in range(2, 11):
    kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=i, random_state=30)
    labels = kmeans.fit_predict(X)
    ch_index = calinski_harabasz_score(X, labels)
    results.update({i: ch_index})

plt.plot(list(results.keys()), list(results.values()))
plt.xlabel("Number of clusters")
plt.ylabel("Calinski-Harabasz Index")

Surprisingly, we noticed that CH index values were higher for 5 and 10 clusters compared to 3 clusters, even though the Iris dataset contains only 3 true labels. It’s essential to note that while higher CH values typically indicate better clustering, the actual number of clusters should align with the data distribution and the context of the problem.


In conclusion, we explored and applied the Calinski-Harabasz Index (CH) as a powerful tool for evaluating K-Means clustering in Python. Throughout this study, we made several key observations:

  • Quality Assessment: The CH index serves as a valuable means of assessing clustering solutions’ quality. It enables data researchers and analysts to evaluate how well the K-Means algorithm separates data into distinct clusters;
  • Inter-Cluster Separation: Higher CH values indicate that clusters are well-separated, and their centroids are significantly distant from each other. This indicates the presence of robust and distinct clusters in the data;
  • Intra-Cluster Cohesion: Furthermore, higher CH values suggest that data points within each cluster are tightly packed. Such cohesion signifies that the clustering algorithm effectively groups similar data points;
  • Visualization: Visualizing clusters along with CH calculations enhances the understanding of clustering results. It provides a clear picture of how the algorithm groups data points based on selected features;
  • Optimal Cluster Selection: While a higher CH index typically suggests better clustering, it’s essential to consider the problem’s specifics and the dataset. Sometimes, the ideal number of clusters may not align with the highest CH score, and domain knowledge may guide cluster selection.

By mastering the Calinski-Harabasz Index and its application in Python, you’ll be better equipped to assess and fine-tune K-Means clustering solutions accurately. Clustering plays a pivotal role in various domains, from customer segmentation in business to image analysis in computer vision, making the ability to evaluate and optimize clustering results a valuable skill for data professionals. Continue to explore and experiment with clustering methods to gain deeper insights and make data-driven decisions in your work.

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